Carefree Living

Carefree Living

Wouldn’t it be nice to live a life free from anxiety and worry? Wouldn’t it be life-changing to wake up in the morning and be able to just hand over your concerns to someone else? Although I can’t promise that you will never have another responsibility or task to complete, I can assure you that there is One who can and will take on all your cares.

I Peter 5:7 says “casting all your care upon Him, because He careth for you.” Notice that this verse does not say to cast some of your care. It does not say to cast most of your care. It says to cast ALL your care on Him. We have a Savior that cares so much for us, that He is willing to take on ALL our concerns. All we have to do is hand them over to Him.

How often do you turn over your to-do list to God? When you are upset or worried about something do you call God first or do you call your family and friends? When you petition God for help, do you only go to Him with the major issues or do you take your day-to-day issues to Him in prayer?

When we refuse to cast all our cares on God, it is like living with a physician, but going to the ER for a paper cut. Or it is like having free access to a top criminal defense attorney, but begging for an inexperienced law student to handle our defense. We have 24-hour, free access to the King of kings and Lord of lords, but it seems we go to everyone else, except God, to handle our issues. We need to learn to turn our cares over to the One who truly cares for us and to enjoy living carefree.

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