Season of “New”

Season of “New”

imageThis is the time of year when students everywhere are headed back to school. Although they may never admit it, for students this can be one of the most anticipated times of the year. It is filled with all the excitement and potential of all things “new” including teachers, classes, friends, clothes, shoes, school supplies and even hairdos. Until we graduate college, we get to experience this sense of new beginnings every year. In fact, while in school, time is divided into two distinct years – the calendar year and the academic year. Everything revolves around the academic year. We never see time that way again unless we teach or until we have our own children.

I cannot help but think that we are missing something in our adult lives by not having a season of “new.” A season when we can treat ourselves to new mentors, new clothes, new shoes, learning new things and maybe even a new hairdo. We only hit the reset button when we are forced to get a new job or when we are trying to fix something about ourselves that we think is subpar. Even our celebration of the New Year is spent thinking of what we can do better to correct our flaws. We spend all of our childhood, teenage years and college years constantly reinventing ourselves but when we become working adults, we no longer have built-in new beginnings in our lives.

Let’s change all that! Why should the kids have all the fun? Right now, think about how you can experience your own new beginning.  You may not want to get a new job, but maybe you can take on a new assignment or role. Find a new mentor to help take you to the next level. Sign up for that class you always wanted to take. You may not want to buy a whole new wardrobe but get a few new items and/or shoes that can really change things up. And yes, go and get that new hairdo that you have been thinking about. We need to act like we are going back to school and start our own season of “new.”

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