
As we approach Palm Sunday and ultimately the celebration of Resurrection Sunday, we should continue to reflect on the sacrifice that was made for each of us on the cross. Scripture says that if we are risen with Christ then we should seek and and...

Is it just me or does it appear that we have turned into a nation of adult children? Reality TV stars yell, cry and whine for attention like spoiled children. Grown men throw Twitter tantrums. People spew insults on social media like bullies on the...

Being green with envy is a very real and dangerous emotion. From the time of Cain and Abel, until today, we see the dire consequences of envy. It has led men and women to steal, to fight, and even to kill. James 3:16 says that...

As you approached this Lenten season you may have had difficulty deciding what to give up.  Maybe you wanted to choose something that would be a sacrifice, but would also benefit you in the long run. Perhaps you were just looking for the most challenging...

The year is flying by and we are now already in the season of Lent. Lent is a season for us to reflect on the life, death and resurrection of Jesus and to reflect on our own lives and what we can sacrifice for Him. Many...

What do you think of when you hear the word “lovely?” Does that word bring images of a delicate flower or a beautiful painting? Does it make you think of a warm day at the beach or a brisk day in the mountains? Truth is,...