01 Jan Happy New Year!
Hope you had a great holiday season and are ready for a great new year!
Years ago I gave up on resolutions and instead opted for a personal yearly theme with a supporting Scripture to back it up. I found that if I had the right personal theme and the right verse, then all of my decisions and priorities for the year would naturally fall into place.
This year, my personal theme is “put it into practice.” It is inspired by the NIV version of Philippians 4:9. During his final words to the Philippian Christians, Paul tells them that “whatever they have learned or received or heard from him – put it into practice.” In other words, don’t just listen and talk about it…be about it. The Bible is full of instructions on how we should conduct ourselves as Christians. There is the list of the things we should think on (Phil 4:8). In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus told us exactly what type of people would be blessed (Matt 5:3-12). The fruit of the Spirit tells us what characteristics we should be manifesting in our daily lives (Gal 5:22-23). Similarly, there are lists of what we should not be doing such as the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:3-17) or the acts of the flesh (Gal 5:19-21). As individuals of honorable distinction, we must distinguish ourselves by our actions each and every day and there is no better guide for how to do that than the Word itself. So, this year, my hope for this blog is that we discover what true distinction looks like and that we can all “put it into practice.”
I hope you have a wonderful 2017 and that you accomplish all of the resolutions and goals you have set for yourself. Happy New Year!
Reflection – What is your personal theme / scripture for the year?
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