10 Feb Faith

As mentioned in the last post, the core areas of focus for this blog, Honorable Distinction, are faith, integrity and strengths. In this post, I would like to focus on faith.
Hebrews 11:2 says that faith is “what the ancients were commended for.” I like The Message version even better which says that “the act of faith is what distinguished our ancestors, set them above the crowd.” Hebrews 11 is often referred to as the Faith Hall of Fame or Hall of Faith. It lists individuals such as Enoch, Noah, Moses, Sarah, Rahab and Joseph as prime examples of individuals who distinguished themselves by exhibiting their faith. Like these great men and women of God, we too can stand out by our acts of faith.
We may not be asked to lead God’s people out of bondage or to believe God for a baby at 90, but rest assured that God has a faith test designed especially for each of us. What is your faith test? What has God asked you to do that can only be accomplished with a measure of faith? We distinguish ourselves by saying “yes” to God. Think of it this way…
Faith requires us to take action. Scripture says that “faith, by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead (James 2:17).” In other words, faith and action go hand in hand. I believe that when we act in faith in response to what God has called us to do that we become an honorary member of the Faith Hall of Fame. Our acts of faith position us for greatness and distinguishes us from all the rest.
Paul Zunker
Posted at 01:29h, 13 February“Faith requires us to take action”. That’s really a good challenge because so often, I just believe and have faith, but I never step out in faith and do something and believe God will bless it or shut the door on it. Thanks for the encouragement!!
Posted at 21:37h, 15 FebruaryThank you for the comment. So true.
Candice Brown
Posted at 02:51h, 13 FebruaryI like the acronym. I normally don’t act in haste; guess I love the illusion of control. Following His ways doesn’t always make rational sense. Excellent read; thank you.
Posted at 21:36h, 15 FebruaryThank you!
Stephen Lewis
Posted at 05:19h, 13 FebruaryA-Men great Post!
Posted at 21:36h, 15 FebruaryThank you!
Yvonne Morgan
Posted at 10:13h, 13 FebruaryAmen
Marcie Cramsey
Posted at 10:13h, 13 FebruaryI love this:
The word ‘hastily’ stood out to me. I’m not always so immediate when I trust God’s plan. I wrestle with Him much like Jacob. I want to be more quick to trust and less hesitant. Great reminder! 🙂
Posted at 21:35h, 15 FebruaryThank you for your comment.
Beth Bingaman
Posted at 11:38h, 13 FebruaryThis post reminded me of a sermon I heard once that the Preacher said, “Everything that happens to us is a test of our faith. If you stub your toe in the dark in the middle of the night when no one else sees or hears, it is a test.” Every action we take is an action of faith! Thanks for this one.
Posted at 21:31h, 15 FebruaryThanks for sharing that. Yes, that is so true.
Melissa McLaughlin
Posted at 12:25h, 13 FebruaryI love this passage of scripture! Yes, God can use our mustard seed of faith to accomplish His great purposes! Lord, use us!
Posted at 21:30h, 15 FebruarySo true. It only takes a mustard seed of faith. Thanks for the comment.
Jessica Brodie
Posted at 16:33h, 13 FebruaryYes — you are so right that action and faith go hand-in-hand. Great post!
Posted at 21:28h, 15 FebruaryThanks!
Emily | To Unearth
Posted at 20:11h, 13 FebruaryWhat a great reminder! It’s easy to say we have faith and then stay exactly where we are. Thanks for this truth!
Posted at 21:28h, 15 FebruaryThanks for checking out the post and for your comment.
Peggy Bodde
Posted at 14:13h, 14 February“We may not be asked to lead God’s people out of bondage or to believe God for a baby at 90, but rest assured that God has a faith test designed especially for each of us. ” I love this point and have found it to be so true. And – I’ll never forget “Faith Approaches Impossible Tasks Hastily”! May it be so for each of us. So often I want to say to God, “I trust you. I believe you. Wait. You want me to do WHAT?!” Thank you for this post and the call to action!
Posted at 21:27h, 15 FebruaryThank you for your comment. Yes, sometimes He asks us to do things that are totally outside of our comfort zone.